Smart Meters: Filing a Formal Complaint

Smart Meters: Filing a Formal Complaint

Non-ionizing radiation from smart meters is transmitted continually 24/7 and penetrates the walls and into our homes, schools, and businesses; the radiation emitted from the power source is a cause for concern, especially for families with members who are elderly and the immune suppressed.

The radiation is a by-product of the power source and is emitted constantly. Over time, this radiation can wear down the cell’s protective exterior membrane, leading to cellular damage and DNA changes. The closer you are to the EMF source, the stronger the emission.

There is an extensive literature database with an inventory of 38,224 publications and 6,994 summaries of individual scientific studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields. Smart is a marketing term used by industry to psychologically steer consumers to adopt these devices — inferring “smart” is a good choice when it is not.  However, some people choose to opt out of smart meters as a precautionary measure.

Our bodies need a break from the wi-fi radiation we are constantly bathed in. Suppose smart meters and other devices are emitting radiation 24/7. In that case, it can be harmful to our cells, disrupt our circadian rhythm, and impair the required cell repair and regeneration while we sleep, which otherwise keeps us healthy.  The result is a toxic build-up that shows up sooner rather than later in some behavioral problems that look like ADD or Autism, sleep disruption, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nausea, nosebleeds, skin rashes/flushing, and more.  The long-term accumulative effects may include cancers, infertility, genotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and more*Biological and Health Affects

See the Science page with an extensive literature database with an inventory of 38,224 publications and 6,994 summaries of individual scientific studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields.


Smart Meter Options in Idaho

Even if you’re concerned about the potential health effects of smart meters, it is not possible to opt out of having one installed in your home in Idaho. Idaho started rolling out smart meters in 2008, and by 2011, almost all of Idaho Power’s 485,000 customers had “smart” electric meters installed.

Most of Idaho utility companies will not offer opt-out programs that allow you to keep your analog meter or have a non-transmitting digital meter installed instead of a smart meter. While opting out may come with additional fees, it may be worth it if it provides peace of mind.

Final Thoughts Smart meters are a convenient way to monitor your home’s energy consumption and eliminate the need for manual meter readings. While there are concerns about the EMF radiation emitted from smart meters, the RF radiation is low and only transmitted for short periods of time.

Ultimately, the decision to opt out of a smart meter is a personal one. If you’re concerned about the potential health effects of EMF radiation, it’s worth researching and considering all options available to you.


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