History of Vaccine Injury

In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34, NCVIA) in response to the pharmaceutical industry and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) requests to shield both vaccine manufacturers and doctors from civil product liability and malpractice lawsuits for permanent disabilities and deaths caused by federally recommended and state mandated vaccines.

- NCVIA acknowledged that vaccines can cause serious harm, and created a federal program to review vaccine injury claims called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). This is a tax-funded program. Because this federal program rejects a majority of claims and compensations are rare, parents assume all risks for any vaccine-induced injury.
- NCVIA requires vaccine providers to inform consumers in reporting health problems following vaccination to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) . However, most consumers remain unaware of VAERS. Many consumers and parents of children who have reactions (serious health problems, hospitalizations, neurological injuries, and subsequent deaths) share that their doctor would not report adverse vaccine outcomes to VAERS.
- NCVIA requires vaccine providers to inform consumers prior to vaccination about the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) , a specialized federal court handling vaccine claims through the US Department of Health and Human Services. Doctors are not liable for any adverse reaction or injury caused by a vaccine.
- NCVIA provides a Vaccine Injury Table . If you choose to vaccinate, this table lists the common injuries associated with each vaccine and onset time period. Injuries include: anaphylaxis, encephalopathy, seizure disorder, convulsions, shock-collapse, partial or complete paralysis, narcolepsy, cardiovascular and respiratory arrest, disability, and death.
Contraindications are crucial for making informed decisions regarding vaccines. If you or your child have any health issues, refer to this list for possible contraindications.
Vaccine providers are not required to tell consumers that they might not actually need booster shots on the vaccine schedule which now includes 70 doses .