Forced Vaccination by CPS has child in coma
Parents Jessica and Shawn tell the story of how their son, Stami, ended up in a coma for over a month. CPS took all four of their children who were unvaccinated and homeschooled. The Nevada CPS judge mandated they be fully caught up on the childhood vaccine schedule. After the second round Stami’s health deteriorated and has now been in a coma for over a month as of this interview. Stami has been diagnosed with ADEM.
Please pray for this family and help fund their fight for Stami’s life and the safety of all four of their children.
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On Feb 20, 2024, Our son Stamwulf, who we call ‘Stami’, suddenly fell unconscious while asleep, after not feeling well the day before, and was rushed to the local emergency room, where doctors decided to take him by life-flight to Sunrise children’s hospital for emergency treatment, not knowing what was happening to this otherwise happy, healthy six year old who had only been sick with a cold one time in his life, and that was several years before. After being put into a medically induced coma in order to intubate him on a life support ventilator, doctor’s ran so many tests over the next few days, it was hard to keep track of them all: spinal tap, MRI, CAT scan, blood tests, viral and bacterial tests, etc.
After almost a week, we received the devastating news that our son had massive swelling of the brain and spinal cord, a rare but sometimes deadly condition called ‘Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis’ or ADEM, is an immune-mediated, inflammatory, monophasic, demyelinating condition that affects the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. As a rapidly progressive post-infectious encephalomyelitis, ADEM is characterized by demyelination in the brain and spinal cord as a result of inflammation following infection or immunization.
You may be interested in these questions:
- What happened to Stammy after he received the vaccines?
- How did CPS justify taking the children away from the parents?
- What challenges are the parents facing in regaining custody of their children?
The Power Struggle: Parental rights and state intervention
In a series of deeply troubling incidents, the Child Protective Services (CPS) has overstepped its boundaries, resulting in traumatic separations of children from their families and questionable medical interventions.
The ordeal began for Shaun and Jessica when their children were forcibly taken by CPS and vaccinated. This led to their son, Stami, being hospitalized in a coma for over a month. The emotional toll on the parents due to the unjust removal of their children by family members and the misuse of mandatory reporter laws was immeasurable.
Legal battles ensued parents were confronted by armed police officers without a warrant. Despite their objections, a court ordered the children to be vaccinated and attend public school against their parents’ wishes. The parents faced bureaucratic hurdles, including discussions on religious exemptions and the difficulties of navigating a complex legal system.
In a particularly alarming case, a CPS judge in Nevada misinterpreted the law, ordering children to attend public school and be vaccinated based on personal beliefs rather than legal grounds. This incident raises serious concerns about the potential for abuse of power by CPS judges and the undermining of parental authority. The judge’s refusal to reschedule hearings and lack of due process further exacerbated the situation.
In a heart-wrenching account, Jessica recounted her son’s emergency room admission and subsequent coma. Frustrations mounted as CPS mandated vaccinations and her lawyer’s lack of action resulted in her children receiving vaccines against her wishes. Then she was left to navigate the legal proceedings alone after her lawyer quit unexpectedly during a court hearing.
The challenges of court battles over health care decisions for children (discussed at minute mark 24:15) emphasize the devastating impact on families and the lack of understanding from authorities. The legal system pits parents against each other, undermining family unity and perpetuating destructive systems that inflict trauma on children.
Caseworkers Assumed Knowledge
In a series of deeply troubling incidents, the Child Protective Services (CPS) is overstepping its boundaries, resulting in traumatic separations of children from their families and questionable medical interventions. Caseworkers often assume expertise in various fields, including medicine and law, leading to uninformed decisions that can have detrimental effects on children’s well-being.
Financial Strain for Families The financial burden placed on families by CPS is unreasonable. Required classes recommended by caseworkers can cost families over $1,000 per person, adding to the stress of dealing with a child’s medical emergency. Families may also struggle to afford private attorneys, further complicating their situations.
Financial Incentives for System
Financial incentives that benefit government-funded systems like CPS are tearing families apart. The system’s reliance on children being in school creates challenges for homeschooled children and parents.
Advocacy for Families is an Urgent Need
There is a pressing need for advocacy for a child’s well-being within the child welfare system, especially amidst medical emergencies and bureaucratic challenges.
The community is urged to support families facing government intervention, emphasizing the need for collective action to address systemic issues and provide assistance.
These incidents underscore the urgent need for accountability within the CPS system, as families continue to suffer due to the abuse of power and lack of proper assessment in CPS interventions. The emotional and financial toll on families is immense, highlighting the devastating consequences of a system that is supposed to protect children but often causes more harm than good.