Mumps Vaccine Failure AGAIN.

Mumps Vaccine Failure AGAIN.

“EVERYONE who’s gotten sick at the school reports that they have been VACCINATED… DCHHS is now recommending folks at the school get a third vaccine to boost their immunity during the outbreak.”

In other words: “The vaccine isn’t protecting people from mumps, so make sure to get it again.”

How many times does this have to happen for people to wake up and realize that vaccines are not effective, especially when you’re injecting LIVE VIRUSES into your body?

How do we know that the MMR vaccine itself, or failure thereof, is not the cause of these outbreaks?

Genotypic analysis of the medical studentʼs buccal MUMPS polymerase chain reaction sample confirmed VACCINE-INDUCED DISEASE:…/305452923_Jeryl-Lynn_Mumps_V…

Mumps outbreak in NY. All were vaccinated:

Vaccine failure accounted for a sustained mumps outbreak in a highly vaccinated population:

The largest reported mumps outbreak at a US college in 19 years occurred in 2006 at a Kansas university with a 2-dose measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination policy:…/Mumps-Vaccine-Performance-among-…

Sample study of students who contracted mumps during an outbreak of a highly vaccinated population: Thirty-one students participated… Thirty (97%) had received two MMR vaccine doses; one had one dose. (ALL had been vaccinated.)

Despite a high coverage rate with two doses of mumps-containing vaccine, a large mumps outbreak occurred, characterized by two-dose vaccine failure, particularly among midwestern college-age adults who probably received the second dose as schoolchildren:…

Merck being sued for efficacy of MMR vaccine:…/merck-whistleblowers_b_58819……/23-Students-Staff-Diagnosed-With-Mu…

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