Paid to Poison: $$ incentives to inject children with toxins

Look at this list of ingredients in the flu shot, they are all toxins. How does injecting toxins into the body boost the immune system to protect it from the flu? IT DOES NOT! The one true saline-controlled research study on the influenza vaccine found that the flu shot doesn’t work to prevent influenza, and those who receive the flu shot are at 340% increased risk of non-influenza Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) for 9 months post-vaccination, compared to those who do not receive the vaccine. WOW!
Many people have awakened to the FACT that the flu shot is all risk and no benefit. They are saying “No.” NO to injecting this long list of toxins into their body annually…
Thimerosal – contains mercury and is linked to autism and other brain injury. Side effects and danger are too numerous to mention.
Aluminum – a neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Side effects and danger are too numerous to mention. Read about aluminum toxicity.
Formaldehyde – Symptoms of low-level exposure include runny nose, sore throat, cough, dermatitis, sleeping difficulties, headache, fatigue, breathing difficulties, sinus irritation, chest pain, frequent nausea, bronchitis, and decreased lung capacity. Signs of acute exposure include abdominal pain, anxiety, coma, convulsions, diarrhea, and respiratory problems such as bronchitis, pneumonia or pulmonary edema. Your reaction to the flu vaccine is probably from formaldehyde!
Phenol (carbolic acid) – For reasons why you want to call a poison control center upon ingestion of this poison, click here.
Polysorbate 80 – Allergic reaction like sneezing, coughing, swelling, wheezing, shortness of breath, skin rashes, itching and pain: gastrointestinal problems like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; heart and circulatory problems like abnormal heart rhythm, heart attack, stroke; fertility problems like infertility in women; tumor and cancer growth.
Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) – can cause too much calcium in the blood, which can lead to kidney stones and kidney insufficiency, metabolized into glycolic acid and can cause profound acidosis in the body.
Betapropiolactone – a disinfectant.
Nonoxynol – used to kill or stop growth of STDs, but can cause allergic reactions in 3-5 percent of the population.
Octoxinol 9 – a vaginal spermicide that can cause chills, confusion, dizziness, fever; lightheadedness, muscle aches, sunburn-like skin rash that is followed by peeling of the skin
Neomycin, polymyxin, gentamycin, antibiotics.
The one true saline-controlled research study on the influenza vaccine found that the flu shot doesn’t work to prevent influenza, and those who receive the flu shot are at 340% increased risk of non-influenza Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) for 9 months post-vaccination, compared to those who do not receive the vaccine.…/Increased-Risk-of-Noninfluenza-R…
Pharma dilemma: How to increase the perceived benefit, and get people to take the vaccine?
Pay financially strapped and uninformed parents $200 to inject their children.
This is blatant abuse of the most vulnerable among us.
If the vaccine was really so great, pharma wouldn’t have to resort to bribery to get people to take it.
Is it just me, or does this smack of used car salesman tactics? (No offense meant to honest used car salesmen.)
#VaxXed #DidYouKnow #PrayBig #FluShot #PharmaScam