The Devastating Effects of HPV Vaccine

The Devastating Effects of HPV Vaccine

HPV is NOT an infectious, communicable disease. Cervical cancer is NOT a public health threat. WHY are there HPV mandates for school children? This vaccine was NEVER tested on anyone under the age of 25 and they are recommending (and MANDATING) this vaccine for children as young as nine. Could these mandates stem from the fact that the CDC holds patents and they financial profit from this most damaging and yet lucrative vaccine?

The HPV vaccine was NEVER developed to prevent cancer, it was developed and approved to prevent WARTS. Warts are not a public health threat. And yet, parents are being marketed to that their daughters get the three shots and they will be protected from cervical cancer. It has been scientifically shown that HPV when treated early does not develop into cancer. Now parents will have a false sense of security and their daughters won’t get paps smears, there will be no early detection. 

This vaccine is devastating. 40,000 cases of vaccine injury from the HPV vaccine. That’s more than the total number of cervical cancer in the United States in any given year.

We need to STOP vaccination (in the U.S.) right NOW. –National Cancer Institute Scientist, Dr. Judy Mikovits declares at a National Press Conference in Washington D.C. that HPV vaccines are not safe and need to be banned. She says the public health threat is the vaccines and offers to talk to Congress and show them the evidence.

More on HPV:

Gardasil Vaccine Devastation is No Coincidence

Colton Berrett: Another Teen Sacrificed by the HPV Vaccine

Sacrificial Virgins: HPV Vaccine Documentary

HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal

OBGYN Questions HPV Vaccine Gardasil 

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