When the School Won’t Accept Your Exemption – Sign Under Duress – Here’s How

When the School Won’t Accept Your Exemption –  Sign Under Duress – Here’s How

For starters, there is a difference between a “signature” and an “autograph.” A “signature” represents you legal straw man. An “autograph” represents your flesh-and-blood body.

In legal matters, autographing/signing one’s name on a document is tantamount to accepting liability. In today’s corrupt legal system, they often REQUIRE you to autograph/sign your name, sometimes going as far as threatening you with jail time for refusing to do so. We must remember: AN AUTOGRAPH OR SIGNATURE UNDER DURESS IS NOT LEGALLY BINDING! But there ARE ways to autograph/sign one’s name to indicate that it was done under duress.

Actus me invito factus, non est meus actus.“ – An act done by me against my will, is not my act. [Bouvier’s Law Dictionary]

1) To attempt to exempt yourself of liability and indicate that you are under duress while autographing/signing your name, you must write it in both upper AND lower case letters.

We have all heard about the legal straw men that corporate governments set up on our behalves when we are born. The names of these straw men are ALWAYS written in ALL upper case letters. In order to distance yourself from this straw man, it is imperative to AUTOGRAPH/SIGN YOUR NAME DIFFERENTLY. Capitalize your first, middle and last names, as well as any prefixes and suffixes. If they just want your first and last name, autograph your middle name as well. Also add a prefix and suffix if possible.

EXAMPLE: Instead of autographing/signing “JOHN SMITH,” write:

“Mr. John Allen Smith, III” [minus the quotation marks].

2) You must make it known that you were forced to sign your name UNDER DURESS.

DURESS: “Unlawful pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform.”

There are 2 ways to do this. The first is by adding the letters “V. C.“ before your autograph/signature. This stands for “Vis Compulsiva,” a Latin term meaning “a compulsive force exerted by menace or terror to compel another to do an act against their will.”

EXAMPLE: Instead of autographing/signing “JOHN SMITH,” write:

“V. C. John Smith” [minus the quotation marks].


The second method is to use an ellipsis [“. . .”] before your name. An ellipsis is a series of dots [like a periods] which refer to an omission in the text. This makes it known that there were things which you were unable to state, but were forced to autograph anyways.

EXAMPLE: Instead of autographing/signing “JOHN SMITH,” write:

“. . . John Smith” [minus the quotation marks].

3) Adding the words “Under Protest” to your name should appease the UCC [Uniform Commercial Code] gods when it comes to retaining your rights. 

The terms “With Prejudice,” “Without Acceptance” and “Of Necessity” can convey the same sentiments.

EXAMPLE: Instead of autographing/signing “JOHN SMITH,” write:

“John Smith

(Under Protest / With Prejudice / Without Acceptance / Of Necessity)” [minus the quotation marks].

4) For best results, combine ALL of these methods.

EXAMPLE: Instead of autographing/signing “JOHN SMITH,” write:

“. . . V. C. Mr. John Allen Smith, III

(Under Duress / With Prejudice / Without Acceptance / Of Necessity)”

[minus the quotation marks].


Here is a Google docs shareable link that you can save to your phone internet favorites and share easily. Keep it with you and be prepared to use it if you are forced to sign.  

If you are forced to sign something illegal, please get the names of those who are disobeying the state law by making you sign a form, and forward their names to:
[email protected]

This article originally appeared at:


keywords: vaccine exemption form, violation of law, Idaho exemption

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