Cooking for the Whole Family: Getting in Your Phytonutrients

The Natural Health Symposium will be filled with local experts in all areas. We are thrilled to have Madison Wolf of Functional Medicine of Idaho, share her expertise in nutrition and dietetics. She appreciates the unique bio-individuality of each person she works with and is passionate about empowering others to take control of their health through nutrition, fitness, and mindset. Madison will share some tips and advice in her presentation Cooking for the Whole Family: Getting in Your Phytonutrients
Eating nutritious food is important at any age, and ensuring young kids get adequate phytonutrients is essential for growth, development, proper immune system function, lowering risk of obesity and chronic diseases. Starting with colorful foods is the first step when developing a healthy way of eating for everyone; plants are good medicine for chronic disease prevention and treatment. Come learn how to cook healthy meals for your entire family using lots of healthy, colorful, fresh foods without spending hours in the kitchen each night!
At Functional Medicine of Idaho, we practice medicine that is focused on finding and treating the root cause of illness. We are the only doctor’s office in the Pacific Northwest that combines primary care with functional medicine to give our patients the ultimate healing experience. Our patients receive evidence-based, functional healthcare that is rooted in the latest research in modern medicine. Our philosophy is that everyone has the potential to achieve wellness, and we want to be a part of your journey to restoring your quality of life and optimizing your health. Here today on behalf of Functional Medicine of Idaho is integrative nutritionist, Madison Wolf. She received her Bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics and has many years of experience as a nutrition coach working with people of all ages from babies to adults. She appreciates the unique bio-individuality of each person she works with and is passionate about empowering others to take control of their health through nutrition, fitness, and mindset.
Saturday, Sept 21
9:00 a.m. to 5:30 pm
College of Idaho, Caldwell
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash