Fact: Aluminum leads to neurodegenerative or autoimmune disease

Fact: Aluminum leads to neurodegenerative or autoimmune disease

It’s rather disturbing to realize that vaccine “experts” like Paul Offit aren’t giving us valid information, and are in fact, banking on us not being fully informed.

Paul Offit defends aluminum in vaccines:

There’s plenty of scientific research that the amount of aluminum in vaccines is toxic, but he’s completely ignoring all of that evidence. He even mentions the FDA parenteral limit of aluminum in IVs, which I discuss in the first article below.

He’s giving you only partial information to mislead you. He thinks you’re not very bright and will stop investigating because he labels it trivial. He thinks you’ll believe that the injected aluminum in vaccines is safe because people ingest aluminum in their diet, yet the aluminum we’re ingesting is neither naturally occurring nor truly “safe”. Every bit of aluminum we absorb, we can accumulate long term, which eventually leads to neurodegenerative or autoimmune disease.

The mechanism of toxicity of aluminum-based adjuvants, by Dr. Exley PhD in Aluminum Ecotoxicology:

Read the articles below to see how Paul Offit is twisting the facts (with links to sources):

Aluminum in vaccines: History & toxicity:

Why you cannot compare aluminum in breastmilk to vaccines:

And of course, if you haven’t watched the following documentary yet, it’s currently available on Amazon Prime:

And of course, if you haven’t watched the following documentary yet, it’s currently available on Amazon Prime: Injecting Aluminum

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