Ketchup. That bottled stuff is not so good for you!

Ketchup. That bottled stuff is not so good for you!

Many of you are not aware of the method of labeling ingredients in food products. Namely, companies list the ingredients according to the amounts added to the food, from the most to the least.

This is important as it gives you an opportunity to control what you consume.

When it comes to Heinz ketchup, we strongly advise you to stay away from it, and we give the most important reasons:

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Heinz ketchup is loaded with high fructose corn syrup, and this would have been evident if the company did not list the same ingredients twice under a different name, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup.

This ingredient acts as sugar in the body when metabolized, and raises the blood sugar levels, and endangers the functioning of the liver. It is derived from GMO and causes obesity, weight gain, heart diseases, diabetes, and weakened immune system.

Distilled Vinegar and Sugar

Despite the high fructose corn syrup, they have also added additional sugar- even 4 extra grams of sugar per tablespoon!

In the end, they add distilled vinegar, which is another GMO corn ingredient.

Therefore, this product contains three GMO ingredients, sugar, chemicals, and actually no place for any nutrients! Does this sound healthy, does it actually sound like a food?

The list of ingredients continues with additives, salt, onion powder, no fiber, no protein, and no nutritional value.

Therefore, I’d advise you to never consume this ketchup again!…

Probiotic Ketchup – the GOOD STUFF 

My kids are beginning to get a taste for it. I am realistic – it takes time for taste buds to change.

Spiced, Fermented Ketchup

The spices here can totally be optional, but I love a heavily spiced ketchup, so I went nuts.  I went heavy on the clove, because I like it and the morning glory version is noticeably clovey.  Feel free to omit any spices that you don’t love, since this is definitely a heavily spiced ode to the good ol’ MG ketchup.

I didn’t add any salt because my kraut juice contained all the salt I wanted.  If you use a different starter, add a pinch or two of salt.


1 cup tomato paste

1 1/2 cups drained, canned tomatoes (or sub ~4 medium, fresh, milled tomatoes), canned liquid reserved

1 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder

1/2 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon cayenne (omit if you don’t like heat)

1 teaspoon clove

1 cup sauerkraut juice

2 tablespoons maple syrup


1.  Combine all ingredients except sauerkraut juice and maple syrup. Put them in a sauce pan over medium heat and cook for 40 minutes, stirring regularly. When the mixture has thickened a bit, stir in the maple syrup.

2. Remove from heat and bring back to room temperature. If you find the mixture  has gotten thicker than you like, use the reserved canning liquid to thin it out a bit, a tablespoon at a time. Add the sauerkraut juice.

2.  Pour into a 1 1/2 pint jar and tighten the lid.

3.  Let it sit at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours or until the lid has puffed up and is a bit rigid.

4.  I like to give it another whirl in the food processor to smooth it out even more after fermentation.

5.  Refrigerate and consume with abandon

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