Scientist find that LED Blue Light can Damage Health

Scientist find that LED Blue Light can Damage Health

The “blue light” in LED lighting can damage the eye’s retina and disturb natural sleep rhythms, a French health authority warned in a new report. “Exposure to an intense and powerful [LED] light is ‘photo-toxic’ and can lead to irreversible loss of retinal cells and diminished sharpness of vision,” the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) warned in a statement. LED lighting may actually be one of the most important, non-native EMF radiation exposures you’re exposed to on a daily basis. Other health problems rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction may also be exacerbated, and these run the gamut from metabolic disorder to cancer.

While less dangerous, even chronic exposure can “accelerate the ageing of retinal tissue, contributing to a decline in visual acuity and certain degenerative diseases such as age-related macular degeneration,” the agency concluded.

Long-lasting, energy efficient and inexpensive, light-emitting diode (LED) technology has gobbled up half of the general lighting market in a decade, and will top 60 percent by the end of next year, according to industry projections. The basic technology for producing a white light combines a short wavelength LED such as blue or ultraviolet with a yellow phosphor coating. The whiter or “colder” the light, the greater the proportion of blue in the spectrum.

LEDs sabotage health and promote blindness. Limit your exposure to blue light swap out LEDs for incandescent or low-voltage incandescent halogen lights

Blue Light Disturbs the Circadian rhythm

LEDs are used for home and street lighting, as well as in offices and industry. That are also increasingly found in auto headlights, torches (flashlights) and some toys. LED cellphone, tablet and laptop screens do not pose a risk of eye damage because their luminosity is very low compared to other types of lighting, Francine Behar-Cohen, an ophthalmologist and head of the expert group that conducted the review, told journalists.

But these back-lit devices — especially when they are used at night or in a dark setting — can “disturb biological rhythms, and thus sleep patterns,” the agency cautioned.

Because the crystalline lens in their eyes are not fully formed, children and adolescents are particularly susceptible to such disruptions, the ANSES reports noted.

Interfering with the body’s circadian rhythm is also known to aggravate metabolic disorders such a diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer, noted Dina Attia, a researcher and project manager at ANSES. In addition, a stroboscopic affect in some LED lights — provoked by tiny fluctuations in electric current — can induce “headaches, visual fatigue and a higher risk of accidents,” the report said.

For domestic lighting, ANSES recommended buying “warm white” LED lighting, limiting exposure to LED sources with a high concentration of blue light, and avoiding LED screens before bedtime. ANSES also said that manufacturers should “limit the luminous intensity of vehicle headlights,” some of which are too bright.

Lighting Plays an Important Role in Biological Energy Production

Light is a sorely misunderstood and overlooked part of the equation for biological energy production, specifically at the mitochondrial ATP level.  ATP is the fuel your cells need for all of their varied functions, including ion transport, synthesizing and metabolism. Remarkably, your body produces your body weight in ATP every day. And, while you can survive for several minutes without oxygen, were all ATP production to suddenly stop, you’d die within 15 seconds. Your body’s energy production involves not just food intake. You also need exposure to certain wavelengths of light in order for your metabolism to function optimally. This is yet another reason why sun exposure is so vitally important for optimal health.
– Dr. Mercola

Change the Light

Best,  Incandescent light, especially the old type “Edison” style tungsten filament lamps. light is 2300K, close to sun-set light.

I’ve replaced all my lamps with these tungsten filament lamps, and I sleep better, my children sleep better, and I can tolerate getting up at night to help the baby Much better.

There is much more to light, also as a medicine to help energize the body, we are starting to understand all the mechanisms just recently, if you want to know more on this topic.

Learn More from Experts in this field

Dr. Hamblin. Battling Superbugs and Cancer with light

Healing with Ozone and Light



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