Are we still in a free country?

In Idaho, a man sits in jail for six months for a peaceful 10-minute protest on a sidewalk in daylight. #FREEROBERTJONES
He was wrongfully arrested for Disturbing the Peace (1A-protected political protest) on -11-2021; Trial and Sentencing on 9-15-2022
Robert Jones, a good, selfless, and humble man and a true Patriot, was sentenced to 6 months in jail for exercising his First Amendment Rights by peacefully protesting on a public sidewalk in Boise. This is so disgusting and it’s happening right here in OUR Idahome.
SUPPORT ROBERT and our first amendment rights!
Support Robert! We hope he will be freed of his six-month sentence (for a 10-minute protest!) in time for Christmas so he can return home with his family.
Join us as we sit in the courtroom for the hearings this week: Dec 19 and 23, both at 2:30, Ada County Courthouse, Boise. We want more eyes on the judge and the court proceedings.
Stand against injustice by our Judicial system. Financially support his family:
The Background of the Story
On September 15, Robert Jones was found guilty of disturbing the peace after a jury of six ignored the fact that the elements of the alleged crime had not been proven during deliberations. The jury even returned to the courtroom to ask the judge how to proceed as it was clear they lacked the evidence that the jury instructions told him they needed in order to convict.
Judge Susan Clark should have been fully aware that the jury lacked the necessary evidence to convict. Nonetheless, in defiance of law, reason, and logic, they found Robert guilty.
Judge Clark proceeded to sentence him. When Robert said that he would not consent to probation which included a Thinking Errors Class. Judge Clark responded by sentencing Robert to a maximum of six months in jail, which was the unjust conclusion to Roberts’s trial.

Sentencing took place one year and nine months after his arrest, an unreasonably long period during which Robert was often denied access to the courts. His crime? Protesting. Because of a lack of access to the government, he protested on a public sidewalk. It was during daylight hours, exactly two years ago, and it lasted no more than 10 minutes.
It seems that his right to a speedy trial, his right to access the courts, and his first amendment protected right to political protest were all violated.
As of December 16, 2022, Robert will have served three months in Ada county jail. He was wrongly convicted and harshly sentenced. Because prisoners in Ada county jail are no longer allowed to receive visitors, Robert has seen his wife and family only by way of video calls.

UPDATE FOR Monday, December 12
Robert appeared in court in person so that judge Susan Clark could hear and rule on the motion for reconsideration of sentence. It was a kangaroo court.
Follow up on the Robert Jones hearing today. The courtroom was packed–67 people came to support Robert. This was the hearing for Reconsideration of the Sentence, meaning there was a chance he would be released from his sentence and sent home today. That did not happen. And once again, justice did not happen.
A little background: on Friday, very late in the day, the prosecution filed an Opposition to the motion, to which Robert’s lawyer responded with a memorandum last night. Today Judge Clark explained, in keeping with the prosecution’s complaint, that the motion was unclear. She somehow didn’t understand what it was Robert wanted. Well, Robert’s sentence consists of court fees and six months in jail. That’s it.
The man is sitting in front of her, in shackles and jail clothes, and he is asking for Reconsideration of his Sentence under Idaho Criminal Rule 35, and the judge has received 25 affidavits from friends asking her to release him from jail, and she couldn’t figure out what he wants?
No, she couldn’t.
She’d rather appear incompetent than have to reject him in front of all those people. Well done, you guys.
Facebook comment
Secondly, Robert was very bummed this evening. Very.

But he was also so very appreciative to see so many faces of people come to support him–both familiar faces and new ones.
He wants everyone to know that your standing with him matters. It brings more attention to the thing he is standing for–liberty. And furthermore, I think he was just really touched by all the support.
When he was first brought into the courtroom, there weren’t many people in there. He had NO IDEA that we were out in the hall, and when we were finally allowed to come in, he was blown away. But he also wasn’t allowed to turn around and look at us. When they finally took him out again through the side door, and we all shouted, “We love you, Robert,” and applauded, he wished he had said more or had time to say more. But those officers are quick. Still, we could see the gratitude all over his face.
It was suggested by the judge that this matter be revisited at Robert’s other hearing, which is already scheduled for Monday, December 19, at 2:30 (that’s to hear the Motion for Request of Stay of Sentence Pending Appeal). But that didn’t work for the prosecutor, who apparently likes to respond to things at the last possible moment and push out other people’s hearings as far as possible.
Therefore, the matter of Robert’s request for Reconsideration of Sentence will now be heard on Friday, December 23, at 2:30.PLEASE COME TO BOTH upcoming hearings!!!
First of all, it is possible that Judge Susan Clark found it difficult to reject Robert’s request outright with so many eyes on her today and that she thought she would kick it down the road to another day when fewer eyes would be on her. We need EYES ON HER!
What else can you do?
Call the ACLU on Robert’s behalf?”
ACLU could potentially:
1. File an amicus brief to help Robert’s case;
2. Represent Robert in suing the bad actors in government who wrongly arrested, prosecuted, denied access to the courthouse, etc.;
3. Provide support to Robert’s lawyer;
4. Ask for an injunction for relief of punishment should Judge Clark deny Robert’s request for a stay of sentence next week;
5. Lend their name and clout to a case that deserves attention because Roberts’s First Amendment Right to political protest was denied repeatedly! Wrongfully arrested, wrongfully convicted, wrongfully imprisoned!
Please support Robert and the cause of Freedom, including our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights.
Monday, December 19, at 2:30 (that’s to hear the Motion for Request of Stay of Sentence Pending Appeal) and Friday, Dec 23, both at 2:30, Ada County Courthouse, Boise.
Update provided by Susan. She’s keeping us updated via social channels. You can search the hashtag to find her posts:
FB: “#FreeRobertJones”
TG: “Free Robert Now!”