DIY mineralizing toothpaste

DIY mineralizing toothpaste

DIY Natural Whitening Toothpaste

This recipe makes about 6oz. Mix all ingredients well. Enjoy!
1 Tbs. Baking Powder (Aluminum free, no one wants toxic metals in the bloodstream)
6 Tbs. Coconut Oil (fights plaque, draws toxins out)
4 Tbs. Bentonite Clay (pulls toxins and heavy metals out, help re-mineralize teeth safely in place of fluoride)
8 to 9 capsules Activated Charcoal (whitens teeth, as strange as that sounds since it is black, and also helps removing plaque)
doTERRA Essential Oils (This can be based on what you like. For this recipe, I used 10 drops Peppermint, 8 drops On-Guard. Some other good choices would be Cinnamon, Spearmint, and/or Clove)
Optional: If you like your toothpaste to have a little sweetness to it if it seems too dry, then add a few drops of Stevia. Stevia is a safe natural sweetener without the bad stuff that comes from artificial sweeteners. I use Organic Stevia drops from Trader Joe’s.

This content originally appeared on [YouTube](

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