Treating MTHFR: Optimizing Genes, Improving Lives

Treating MTHFR: Optimizing Genes, Improving Lives

Methylation is the most powerful system controlling our genes, our genetic potential. By looking at methylation, the root of the problem often comes into focus. The truth is that body has the ability to heal and grow strong regardless of age or condition. The only question is will the body have the resources it needs to overcome the challenges it suffers from? By studying the current peer-reviewed research, Dr. Rostenberg has discovered powerful, natural strategies to optimize gut and methylation function to heal the body. He has dedicated thousands of hours to the study of the pathways involved with folate and methylation. By balancing the body with methylation, anything is possible! By looking beyond MTHFR, we are able to optimize our genes, and optimize our lives! Dr. Rostenberg will share his research and insight and help uncover the genetic or root causes of health problems and find a natural solution!

Learn More at the Natural Health Symposium July 21.

Dr. Rostenberg of Red Mountain Natural Medicine 
 presents: Treating MTHFR: Optimizing Genes, Improving Lives 

No other system in our body has the ability to impact so many others, to create or destroy health, to protect or injure our bodies. If our genes control our destiny, then the methylation cycle controls our genes. So by optimizing your genes through methylation pathways, you take control of your health, you take control of your life. That is what Beyond MTHFR is all about.

Dr Rostenberg can be reached at Phone 208-322-7755. Email [email protected]


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