Parent’s Opinions are Valid…Only When They Conform To the Government’s View?

Parent’s Opinions are Valid…Only When They Conform To the Government’s View?

The well-publicized measles outbreaks In Washington, New York, and Texas have inflamed the debate over vaccines. Regardless of vaccination rates measles disease outbreaks cycle every 2 or 3 years as they did BEFORE the vaccine. (more about measles cases pre/post vaccine) Pro-vaccine advocates use this as an opportunity to introduce legislation that eliminate exemptions and mandate vaccinations. 

In Early March 2019, the Federal Government hosted committee meetings in both the House and the Senate. The Senate meeting titled “Vaccines Save Lives: What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?”  was, as the name suggests, primarily a pro-vaccine hearing that focused on the effectiveness of certain vaccines. It featured five witnesses, four of whom were either licensed medical doctors or have decades of medical experience. The fifth was Ethan Lindenberger, a high school student who has captured the attention of the media for getting vaccinated against his mother’s wishes. All five testified in favor of vaccines.

Much of the discussion between the committee members and witnesses focused on the benefits of vaccines and possible ways to increase vaccination rates, such as funding for vaccine education programs and solutions to make expensive vaccines more readily available.

Think about it – when was the last time that there were hearings in both the House and the Senate on the same topic within 6 days of each other?  This is a coordinated effort by pharmaceutical industry PR and astroturf organizations.  They are laying the ground work to push for federal vaccine mandates – which will maximize their markets.  – Children’s Health Defense

There is currently no bill in Congress that would mandate vaccines. But conversations are happening, and many are not favorable to parental rights. 

Senator Alexander: “Internet fraudsters who claim that vaccines are not safe, are preying on the unfounded fear and daily struggles of parents, and they’re creating a public health hazard that is entirely preventable.”

This is unsurprising, because, despite relatively poor coverage of most vaccines in the adult population (since most weren’t on the schedule until the mid- to late 90s, or after 67% of the current population was past childhood vaccination age), they like to pretend that ‘herd immunity’ could possibly exist in the population as a whole.

While no one suggested mandating vaccines from the federal level, the tone of the hearing was clear: the committee members and witnesses believe vaccines are an unequivocal societal good and anyone who disagrees poses a threat.  

A threat to health? Perhaps not.

Here are the Senators that sat on the federal committee last week. The numbers next to them is the amount of money they got from the pharmaceutical companies last year. (Research provided by Melanie Yaun Durity)

• Sen. Bob Casey ($532,859)
• Sen. Bill Cassidy ($156,600)
• Sen. Patty Murray ($111,414)
• Sen. Tammy Baldwin ($110,443)
• Sen. Johnny Isakson ($68,000)
• Sen. Lamar Alexander ($62,700)
• Sen. Elizabeth Warren ($61,448)
• Sen. Pat Roberts ($27,500)
• Sen. Maggie Hassan ($20,163)
• Sen. Rand Paul ($20,000)


And the “Witnesses” gigantic amounts of money that each of the “witnesses” stand to gain upon their favorable propaganda of the vaccine areas they were requested to speak upon. Here are my findings based upon sources as noted:

  1. Dr. Omer: Emory University (tied with Emory Healthcare on ALL financials) has recently received a grant from the CDC to evaluate children in recovery from traumatic brain injury (sources:…/wright_mild…/index.html,…/Annual-Report-of-the…)
  2. Dr. John Boyle – Immune Deficiency Foundation received $3.689,176 in grants from the National Institute of Health from the time period of 2010 – 2018 (source: Note: there are no dollars listed for 2018, could he be looking for a grant for 2019
  3. Dr. John Wiesman: Washington State Department of Health receives federal funds, over 46% of the WSDH budget is from federal sources. Also, he is requesting funding from Congress for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. He has concerns “about the nation’s public health system, which has suffered as a result of chronic underfunding as the population continues to grow” (sources:…/431537-washington-state-health…,…/PublicHealthSystemReso…/Funding)
  4. Dr. Jonathan McCullers: owns at least 2 vaccine-related patents: 1) “Live, attenuated Streptococcus pneumoniae strain and vaccine for protection against pneumococcal disease”, patent # US20140314812A1, and 2) for “Methods and compositions for preparing a universal influenza vaccine”, patent # WO2008048984A3. (sources:, and

No one was seemingly interested in what may make some parents “vaccine-hesitant,” just in how to make them less so.

Not a single doctor, scientist, lawyer, or vaccine injured person/parent was allowed to speak on the risks associated with vaccines. 

Dr. Janet Levatin: “If our government seriously wanted to investigate what is behind continued outbreaks of viral infections, the seriousness (or lack thereof) of these outbreaks, and why ‘vaccine hesitancy’ is mushrooming across our country, they would hold balanced, unbiased hearings where multiple points of view could be expressed by credible professionals who hold different points of view from the pharma-based, pro-vaccine ‘professionals’ called to provide singular testimony at this hearing. They would hold the Hearing in an adequately sized room, where all could attend and participate. They would hear from doctors, scientists and parents and concerned individuals, including their constituents.” Read more articles like this from Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center – TIMC 

I️nstead 100’s of families opposing mandates and censorship showed up and were shoved into overflow rooms and hallways. Shut Out. Shut Up. The HELP Hearing

The Hearing left out very critical pieces of information:

  • ️They also failed to mention the $4 BILLION that’s been paid out for injury/deaths caused by vaccines. (Outside of Rand Paul)
  • ️They failed to mention HHS was sued and has zero records of any safety studies in the last 33 years, even though they were supposed to be conducting them every 2 years.(ICanDecide.Org)
  • ️They failed to mention the fact that manufacturers cannot be sued for injury or death of a child.(NVIC No Liability No Mandates)
  • ️They failed to mention 13.1 of every insert states they have NOT been studied for carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials. (
  • ️They failed to mention we are giving them to women in pregnancy without any safety studies. (FDA Admits No Safety Studies Vaccines In Pregnancy)
  • ️They failed to mention a double-blind saline placebo is NOT used when testing va€€ines. Vaccine Safety in the US
  • ️They failed to mention that 160 cases of measles across the country not a single person has died.

The Committee communicated that parents’ opinions are only valid so long as they conform with the government’s. This was a show… meant to scare the public and further their agenda. This was and has been all about the money for decades.  


Children’s Health Defense: What’s Really Driving This Hearing?  

Shut out of the Hearing Video 2 Parents Shut Out of Hearing

The Vaccine Reaction

EXCERPTS: “The very title of the hearing tips the committee’s hand. “Vaccines save lives” is a conclusive statement that preemptively answers the question that follows, making it clear there would be no divergent exploration of the question of what is driving preventable disease outbreaks. Even further, while it is true that some vaccines may save some lives, it is also true that vaccines are not studied for their unintended long- and short-term effects on the body, and that many people’s bodies respond to vaccines in ways that prove harmful to them.”

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