Proposed Legislation against Religion A Blatent Violation of the Constitution.

The state is prohibited by the constitution from making a law respecting an establishment of religion / belief, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. We all have the right to free exercise of religion / belief! Belief begets religion and religion is the result of belief. When the numbers and facts make no difference to direct actions, then actions are directed by belief, and belief is synonymous with religion. -Dan Sevy
Well, believe it or not members from the legislature are still working on further prohibiting our free exercise of religion and health care treatment.
We have informed the governor and legislators on several occasions that the report from the “Governors Task Force On Children At Risk” is false. We have told them of the larger families, (often over 10 children), common to church members. Having more children means, by the law of averages, more incidence of death. Sadly! But the Governors’ office has not backed away from the false child mortality rate stated in the report commissioned by him.
Furthermore when I had finished laying out the facts and statistics to Mr Otter he stated, “The numbers make no difference to him”, I can only conclude that he simply believes in the “superiority” of the medical system, (3rd leading cause of death)!
So I have come to the conclusion that this movement comes about simply because some legislators believe that the state should prohibit free exercise of religion and our God given right and duty, whenever parents choices (driven by belief) are not in accordance with the beliefs held by the State. In other words the state wants to make a law establishing a belief, (belief / religion) held by the state in spite of the facts, statistics, and the constitutions of the State and the United States!
Death from medical care itself : John Hopkins University 3rd leading cause of death
This is a fight to protect our children, our rights, our country!
The State would force our children to be treated by state licensed medical professionals even when we believe herbs, homeopathy, spiritual, or another treatment would be best! If we refuse to comply, the state will take our children from our homes, shove their poisons into them by force, then very likely never return our children to our loving homes.
If our children, taken by the state, are harmed or die in their custody, what recourse would we have? The statute as written insulates the medical professionals from recourse, and the state doesn’t even have to apologize for accidentally harming or killing our children held in their custody! Oh by the way, then they send us the bill!
In conclusion, if we want to save the children, save them from the state and the 3rd largest killer of children in the U.S. ‘the medical industrial complex’.
It is an outright lie that children are dying due to lack of medical treatment and the state knows it!
Belief begets religion and religion is the result of belief. When the numbers and facts make no difference to direct actions, then actions are directed by belief, and belief is synonymous with religion.
The state is prohibited by the constitution from making a law respecting an establishment of religion / belief, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. We all have the right to free exercise of religion / belief!
We have the right to freedom of choice of heath care treatments for us and our children.
The state seems to want to make our health care treatment choices for us and interfere in family health decisions!
Freedom can not be legislated, legislation only restricts freedom.
The end result of any health care treatment decision is uncertain and can always end in tragedy.
Would you want to take responsibility for a tragedy caused by interference?
Remember, “First do no harm!” medical error, 3rd leading cause of death!
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”
― Benjamin Rush- (One of the signers of the Declaration of Independence)
Live Free Or Die!
Daniel C. Sevy
Refusal of Medical Treatment Due to Religious Beliefs
In 2013, the CFR Team identified 5 deaths to infants from families whose religious beliefs prevented them from seeking medical intervention. All of these 2013 deaths were to newborn infants. ***IDAHO ranks one of the highest states in PREMATURE BIRTHS.
In 3 consecutive review years, the team has encountered a total of 10 deaths to infants or children who were reportedly not treated medically due to the parents’ religious beliefs. These cases were identified using information provided on death certificates and coroner reports. Since Vital Statistics does not compile the number of deaths in this category, it is difficult to estimate the actual number of preventable deaths to children of religious objectors.
For the 2013 review year, the causes of death to infants from families who did not seek medical treatment included meconium aspiration, intestinal blockages, and sepsis. The CFR Team determined that each of these deaths may have been prevented with proper and timely medical treatment.
source of statistics/interview of author Death from medical care itself : John Hopkins University 3rd leading cause of death
original analysis:
Medical error has been defined as an unintended act (either of omission or commission) or one that does not achieve its intended outcome,3 the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended (an error of execution), the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim (an error of planning),4 or a deviation from the process of care that may or may not cause harm to the patient.5 Patient harm from medical error can occur at the individual or system level. The taxonomy of errors is expanding to better categorize preventable factors and events.6 We focus on preventable lethal events to highlight the scale of potential for improvement.