Sunshine Reduces Risk of 17 Types of Cancer

Sunshine Reduces Risk of 17 Types of Cancer

Without the sun, there is no life. Thus, it’s only common sense that your body needs sunshine for healthy living. Tragically, we have been told to avoid the sun by media and doctors alike. We have been told to apply sunscreen if we are in the sun, even though this sunscreen causes cancer because of its ingredients. Sunscreen blocks UVA and UVB radiation, which are part of solar radiation necessary for good health. That is why our skin and eye contain receptors for this form of energy.

Sunscreens are TOXIC

The wide-spread use of sunscreen in society is undoubtedly a major reason for the explosion of cancer rates in the U.S. First, the vast majority of sunscreens contain toxic ingredients, thus likely to increase cancer risk. Secondly, sunshine, as your will see below, decreases cancer risk. Therefore, if you avoid the sun, you increase your risk of cancer. 

  • The sun creates vitamin D. Adequate amounts of Vitamin D are vital for good health.
  • The sun controls our circadian rhythm, the internal body clock that makes us tick.
  • The sun causes release of nitric oxide. See this blog post about the importance of nitric oxide.

Sun Exposure is Good. Sunburn is Bad. 

Let me be clear. We don’t want you to allow the sun to burn your skin. Recurrent sunburn is bad. Protect yourself and your children with a natural sunscreen when facing prolonged exposure. Read the ingredients. If you can’t pronounce them, don’t buy it. Wear a hat and a long shirt/pants when exposure is prolonged and it is your first time in the sun for a while. (See our article on sunscreens)

There are basically 3 types of skin cancer: basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma. The last one, melanoma can be deadly. But the good news is that sunshine LOWERS the risk of melanoma. 

For the medical journal articles, please see below. The other two skin cancers, basal and squamous, are mostly cosmetic and easily removed by a dermatologist. According to Harvard medical doctor, Michael Holick, the link between sunshine and squamous cell/basal cell skin cancer is weak. The number of people who die yearly of basal cell skin cancer? Zero.

Take off your sunglasses and your prescription glasses. Let the energy from the sun come in through the eyes, hit the back of eye called the retina, and work its magic. Remember, our ancestors were in the sun for most of the day. Naked. Nature intended for your body to benefit from the sun.

Here’s more good health news. The sun lowers your risk of these 17 cancers:

1) Melanoma
2) Colon
3) Breast
4) Prostate
5) Lymphoma
6) Bladder
7) Lung
8) Pancreas
9) Brain
10) Kidney
11) Uterus
12) Esophagus
13) Ovarian
14) Mouth
15) Thyroid
16) Cervix
17) Leukemia

This article originally appeared at:

Learn more about the health benefits of sunshine, vitamin D and cholesterol on this Healthmade Radio episode with Dr. Jack 

Cover Photo by A. L. on Unsplash


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