The Immunity Power Pack Giveaway

The Immunity Power Pack Giveaway

It’s cold and flu season, but that doesn’t mean we need to succumb to its power without fighting back! The best way to do that is to bolster your immune system year-round through natural foods and remedies so that it’s in battle-ready mode when viruses and bacteria armies attack. But with our increasingly hectic lives and superbugs floating around, even health warriors occasionally catch an unwanted cold or flu and need extra support. 

That’s why we’re giving away this Immunity Power Pack! Our thanks to The Karlfeldt Center for sponsoring this giveaway full of natural flu and cold health remedies.

To enter the giveaway, please use the widget below. Every action you take in the widget earns you more points for the giveaway. You can earn up to 11 entries, which improves your chances of winning! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the giveaway sponsor: The Karlfeldt Center is a comprehensive Boise naturopathic health treatment center that provides proven natural healthcare solutions for all ages and conditions. They treat the cause, not the symptom! The goal The Karlfeldt Center is to investigate the underlying cause of dysfunction and see the body as a complex interconnected system as opposed to simply masking the symptoms with drugs or unnecessary surgeries. 

In the comments below, please share what natural remedies do you use to fight back when the cold or flu strike!

You are the keeper of your immune system. Here are some additional articles on how you can build it up and keep it strong. 

Using Vitamin C to Recover From Illness and Disease  |  21 Natural Remedies Instead of the Flu Shot  |  Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels to Boost Immunity, Lower Depression and Cancer Risk  |  Apple Cider Vinegar, a Silver Bullet for Health  |  Turmeric Tea, an Anti-Inflammatory Remedy

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