20 Facts about Abortion Tainted Vaccines
There is clear evidence that vaccines are produced using the bodies of aborted human beings and experimentation of the product was performed on severely disabled humans. Some “prolifers” have agreed that since the aborted fetal cell lines were already in existence (and not created for the purpose of making a vaccine), at least some good came from the babies who died. However, they would never condone the abortion itself.
December 2020 UPDATE: US Catholic Bishops endorse Abortion Tainted Vaccines. “neither vaccine [Pfizer nor Moderna’s] is completely free from any connection to morally compromised cell lines.” https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/us-bishops-endorse-abortion-tainted-covid-vaccine-an-act-of-love-of-our-neighbor Moderna COVID-19 vaccine uses the aborted fetal cell line HEK-293 extensively in numerous patents in the fundamental design of mRNA technology. (as documented here )
Dr. Theresa Deisher, founder and chief scientist of the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, has questioned the necessity of a vaccine against COVID-19, saying: “[w]e’re making a vaccine at warp speed for a virus that doesn’t look like it’s going to need a vaccine.”
Deisher explains that “this virus to date has less than a 0.03% fatality rate and most of those people, I believe it’s 92% or above, have other health problems.” She added that developing a vaccine in such a quick time frame “is possible, but I don’t believe it is desirable, nor do I believe that it’s safe,” with as much as “15% of the very healthy young volunteers [experiencing] significant side effects.” Many of the initial vaccine recipients have had significant adverse reactions to the vaccine.
Focus on the Family , and the Catholic Church (and other religious organizations* See below) make the argument that something ‘good’ was developed on the sacrificed bodies of human beings, and even though they were tested on severely disabled individuals, vaccines ‘morally’ acceptable.
We submit that their argument is ‘false thinking’ and as tainted as the vaccines themselves.
These researchers didn’t dig through discarded body parts to make something useful. The abortions were performed in such a way to deliver LIVE CELL SAMPLES to the laboratory for dissection and research. In addition, the principal researcher Dr. Plokin admits to unethically experimenting on children and adults with disabilities in order to develop his product that is now mandated to be injected into school children of all faiths.
Link To 9 Hour Video: https://youtu.be/DFTsd042M3o
20 Facts about Abortion-Tainted Vaccines
- Vaccines were cultured exclusively on animal tissue prior to the 1960’s (animals such as the rhesus monkey).
- Culturing vaccines on animal cells was useful but had unintended consequences. A well-documented example is the discovery of vaccines contaminated with the SV40 virus from rhesus monkey cells used in its production.
- In the early 1960’s, Dr. Leonard Hayflick was the first researcher who set out to create a “fetal cell line” for use in culturing vaccines instead of using animal tissue.
- A fetal cell line is derived from live cells taken from an aborted baby. The live cells are modified so they can replicate indefinitely.
- In 1962, Dr. Hayflick developed the first fetal cell line called WI-38 (Wistar Institute, 38th fetal sample) from the lung tissue of an aborted 31 week gestation baby girl.
- The data in his 1961 and 1965 papers show at least 23 aborted babies used in the research around the creation of WI-38. The number is likely higher, given that some of the cell strains he researched were not documented in his published papers.
- Fetal cell line WI-38 is currently being used in the
- MMRII (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- ProQuad (Measles, Mumps, Rubella + Chicken Pox)
- Varivax (Chicken Pox)
- Adenovirus vaccines (Adenovirus is used for the military).
- Next, in 1964 Dr. Stanley Plotkin isolated a rubella virus strain, RA 27/3 (Rubella Abortus, 27th fetus, 3rd tissue culture explant), that was later used in Merck’s rubella vaccine.
- RA 27/3 was combined with WI-38 to create the rubella vaccine we use today.
- It is well established that almost 80 aborted babies were used in the research leading to the development of RA 27/3. Dr. Plotkin’s 1969 article cites 76 of those abortions.
- Dr. Plotkin’s value of life is revealed through his actions. He tested his rubella vaccine on orphans as young as 14 months old and “seronegative mentally retarded children”.
In a letter to the editor, he defended his colleagues’ unethical experimental research on those with disabilities at Willowbrook Hospital. He stated that “performing initial studies on children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential… nonfunctioning persons” is acceptable, even preferred. He went on to state, “Morality must be defined by circumstances and facts.”
12. In 1966, researchers at the Medical Research Council in the UK developed the fetal cell line MRC-5, from a 3 1/2 month gestation baby boy who was aborted for psychiatric reasons from a physically healthy 27 year old mother.
13. MRC-5 is used in numerous vaccines today, including:
- ProQuad (Measles, Mumps, Rubella + Chicken Pox)
- Quadracel (DTaP-IPV)
- Pentacel (DTaP-IPV/Hib)
- Twinrix (Hep A/Hep B)
- Vaqta (Hep A)
- Havrix (Hep A)
- Imovax (Rabies)
- Varivax (Chicken Pox)
- Zostavax (Shingles)
CDC Vaccine Excipient Guide information is now being censored. The CDC has ‘updated’ their list without any changes to the vaccines themselves.
14. After their initial creation, each fetal cell line is reproduced many times over. Though they theoretically reproduce indefinitely, they have a finite lifespan of use, as they become more oncogenic (tumor-causing/cancerous) with each reproduction.
15. Due to the finite nature of the use of the current fetal cell lines, researchers have (since the 1960’s) continued to this day using aborted babies in their work toward creating new fetal cell lines.
16. Here’s a list of just a few fetal cell lines created in the years since WI-38, RA 27/3, and MRC-5 (with links to where some of these aborted fetal cells can actually be purchased): WI-44, MRC-7, MRC-9, HEK 293, PER.C6, IMR-90, IMR-91, TIG-1, Walvax-2.
17. The most recent fetal cell line, Walvax-2, was developed by Chinese researchers in 2015 using a 3-month gestation baby girl.
18. Walvax-2 researchers matter-of-factly describe intentionally aborting 9 babies using the “water bag method” of abortion. It’s illegal in the United States. As little value as our country places on life, this practice is so inhumane it is still banned in America. In layman’s terms, the mother’s uterus is filled with saline water so the baby can essentially be floated out of her uterus alive and in-tact. The baby is then given straight to researchers who quickly dissect them alive because a viable fetal cell line requires live cells.
In the researcher’s own words, the “tissues from the freshly aborted fetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.”
19. These aborted babies were used for research in 2015, not 60 years ago. It is a current and ongoing practice.
20. Walvax-2 was specifically developed as a replacement for the aging MRC-5 cell line. It was tested with rabies, hepatitis, and Varicella viruses, and was found to be “equal or superior to MRC-5 cells for cultivating these viruses”.
Dissecting aborted babies (many presumed to be alive at the time) for vaccine research has been a consistent and ongoing practice for the past 60 years.
Researchers and scientists worked with local doctors to identify the preborn children whose sacrificed bodies would be used to “improve the health” others. The very definition of ‘child sacrifice’.
I had allowed minimal information to inform a most delicate decision for my children. I submitted without thinking critically to headlines and news articles. In the end, I allowed the thoughts of an atheist researcher with different moral, ethical and spiritual views than me to determine what I thought about such an important subject.
How does this impact the heart of our living God? As the creator and sustainer of life, I think His heart is deeply grieved over this practice.
Abortion Tainted Vaccines in the US and Canada
- Christian Authors
- Joe Carter and the Gospel Coalition – Joe Carter is an editor for The Gospel Coalition, author of The Life and Faith Field Guide for Parents, the editor of the NIV Lifehacks Bible, and the co-author of How to Argue Like Jesus: Learning Persuasion from History’s Greatest Communicator. He also serves as an Executive Pastor at the McLean Bible Church Arlington campus in Arlington, Virginia. You can follow him on Twitter.
- Parachurch Organizations
- Creation.com – HARD pro-vaccine stance
- Christian Curriculum Authors
- Dr. Jay L. Wile – holds an earned Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry. He is best known as the author of award-winning elementary, junior and senior high school science courses including the Science through HisStory, “Discovering Design with…”, and “Exploring Creation with…” series. (I have these books as well and can take photos for you too)
- Edward Zaccaro – Book, “The 10 Things All Future Mathematicians and Scientist Must Know (but are rarely taught)” Chapter 6: It is Important to Maintain a Healthy Skepticism subtitle The Avnit-Vaccination Movement (I have this book and the photos if you need them)
- World Magazine – a magazine that is produced for youth and children to teach them a Biblical Worldview. It comes free with some curriculum
- Christian Politicians
- Christian Apologists
- Greg Koukl – Apologist and Co-Founder of the Ministry Stand to Reason
1 – L. Hayflick et al., “The Limited In Vitro Lifetime of Human Diploid Cell Strains,” Experimental Cell Research 37, (1965): 615.
2 – “Gamma Globulin Prophylaxis; Inactivated Rubella Virus; Production and Biological Control of Live Attenuated Rubella Virus Vaccines,” American Journal of Diseases of Childhood 118, no. 2 (1969): 378.
3 – J.P. Jacobs et al., “Characteristics of a Human Diploid Cell Designated MRC-5,” Nature 227 (1970): 168.
4 – Ibid.,170.
5 – Transcript of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, hearing date 16 May 2001, 91.
6 – Judie Brown, “The Means of Vaccines,” National Catholic Register, April 30-May 6, 2000.
7 – J.C. Wilke, M.D., “Vaccines, Today’s Controversy,” Life Issues Connector, Life Issues Institute, July 2001.
8 – Bernard Nathanson, M.D., “Vaccines OK’d Despite Dark Past,” National Catholic Register, June 18-24, 2000.