Activism 101: Bill to Law

Activism 101: Bill to Law

How does the Legislative Process work in Idaho? In 15 minutes, Executive Director Sarah Clendenon breaks it down in this episode of activism 101.

The process through which a bill becomes law occurs in several stages in both houses, but it can start with an idea – from a citizen!

  • Laws begin as ideas.
  • A Citizen comes up with the idea for a new law or an amendment to existing law. And finds a Legislator to sponsor the bill.
  • The bill is then assigned to a committee for study. The bill sponsor must request from the Chairman that the bill be heard.
  • If released by the committee chairman, the bill is put on a calendar to be voted on, debated, or amended …

Learn more about the process with Executive Director Sarah Clendenon

A bill does not become law until it is passed by the legislature and, in most cases, approved by the executive. Once a bill has been enacted into law, it is called an act of the legislature, or a statute. Bills are introduced in the legislature and are discussed, debated and voted upon.

If you can’t get to the Capitol. You can watch hearings online

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