Become a 5-Minute-Activist
You can be an activist with a few extra minutes and a cell phone. We send you alerts, and you take a few moments to respond by writing emails, making a phone call, and expressing your opinion on a proposed law in Idaho.
Who can be a 5-minute activist?
- Single moms
- Homeschooling moms and teens
- Working dads
- Working moms
- Retired people
- Couples with a few kids
- Couples with LOTS of kids
- ..anyone who cares about preserving liberty and protecting our freedoms for the next generation.
What’s my time commitment?
How often do I have to send an email, text, or make a phone call? As often as you choose.
There will be plenty of opportunities to express your opinions to those representing you in the statehouse. We will send regular email alerts on bills that will make their way through the system. You have only one opportunity to testify publically on a bill. However, you can express your talking points and concerns to the legislators.
Signing up is simply the opportunity for you to be in the know. It’s not a commitment. Please expect almost daily emails from hfidaho at from January through April. Then the list is deactivated and we all breathe a sigh of relief as the session concludes. Emails are monthly and occasionally bi-monthly after that. Sign up below!