181 Aborted Babies used to Develop Vaccines
The development of vaccines, using the harvested organs of aborted human beings, violates the moral conviction of many individuals from a variety of religious backgrounds. The fact that vaccines were created on the bodies of aborted babies has never been hidden. Recently the “major religions” leaders have come out saying that injecting yourself for your health protection with a product developed on the bodies of murdered innocent humans is morally acceptable.
It’s hard to believe that organizations/religions that claim to be ‘pro-life’ Focus on the Family, and the Catholic Church are promoting the use of vaccines even with the evidence that aborted human beings were used in the manufacturer and development. They believe that vaccines were created on the bodies of sacrificed innocent human beings and tested on pregnant women, orphans and possibly severely disabled individuals are ‘morally acceptable’ and prudent. Begs the question – is this what Jesus would do?
Coronavirus vaccines developed in the States and globally were made from the cell lines of aborted children — healthy children who were murdered. Most notably, this includes a fetal cell line called HEK-293, from the kidney of a healthy girl aborted in 1972, and PER.C6, from the retina of a healthy boy aborted in 1985. Apparently, these and similar cell lines have been used since the 1960s to manufacture vaccines against rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis A, shingles, hemophilia, rheumatoid arthritis, and cystic fibrosis. (and others)
Interview with John Piper
Founder & Teacher, desiringGod.org
Those who believe in a righteous and just God must remember we must each stand before our creator give an account of our own. There will not be an opportunity to hide behind the robes of religious authorities during the righteous judgment of God.
Julie True
You can’t be pro-life and pro-vaccine
A recent article was published by Christian leader/author John Piper approaches this moral dilemma by asking these questions: Can I Take a Vaccine Made from Aborted Babies?
My questions to believers: Can Christians, fearful of viruses, ignore the child sacrifice used to create a technology in order to ‘benefit’ from it? Can the GOD we trust, honor our use of this “medical product” to keep us “healthy”?
NO! God will not honor this medical product built on child sacrifice for our protection, it is counter to his holy character!
“God is God. He honors the integrity and principled action that is rooted in his truth and his beauty and his worth, even where the world cannot see the point. We have no idea what explosive effects, in the depths of God’s providence and purposes, our principled action might unleash by God’s grace. “
John Piper contains to explain it here: https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/can-i-take-a-vaccine-made-from-aborted-babies
The Data
- NoDeception.org
- Soundchoice.org
- Avoicefortruth.com
- Cogforlife.org
- HealthFreedomIdaho.org/Prolife
additional resources in the footnotes.
SHORTER SUMMARY ARTICLE POSTED HERE: https://healthfreedomidaho.com/20-facts-about-abortion-tainted-vaccines-2/
While the issue of aborted fetal cell line use in vaccine production is now widely discussed, there are few places that document each of these cell lines and the abortions performed to develop them from primary and official sources.
As of 16 May 2020, using mostly primary sources available on the internet, NODECEPTION.ORG documented that at least 181 abortions have been performed to develop fetal cell lines for the manufacturing of vaccines, including the Covid-19 vaccines in development. Those cell lines are documented here.
Research and Development in General
Dr. Stanley Plotkin, in a deposition in January 2018, talks about how 76 aborted fetuses were used to “determine whether or not they could be used to make vaccines.”[5]
Recorded disposition https://youtu.be/6D5tz-q_6o8
In 1972, the cell line Human Embryonic Kidney 293 (HEK-293) was made. [16] At least one abortion was used to get this cell line. In 2020, numerous COVID19 vaccines were developed with HEK-293, including but not limited to, Moderna’s mRNA-1273 COVID19 vaccine which uses the Spike (S) protein. [17] This Spike (S) protein is expressed in HEK-293. [18] The Jenner Institute began developing a COVID19 vaccine using ChAdOx1 technology in 2020. [19] ChAdOx1 was developed using HEK-293 cells. [20] The University of Pittsburgh also developed a COVID-19 vaccine–PittCoVacc, using HEK-293. [21] China’s CanSino Biologics’ Ad5-nCoV also uses HEK-293. [22]
Everyone needs to be personally responsible for their own health and should research the COVID-19 vaccines in development carefully before making a decision whether or not to vaccinate. Children’s Health Defense and the Informed Consent Action Network have been following the science closely and are good resources for everything COVID. They can be followed at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ and https://www.icandecide.org/covid/.
For an explanation of the various types of vaccines in development, please see https://lozierinstitute.org/a-visual-aid-to-viral-infection-and-vaccine-production/.
You can learn more about the mRNA vaccines and the PREP Act, which will shield COVID-19 vaccine makers from all liability here https://informedchoicewa.org/news/fast-facts-on-covid-19-vaccine-concerns/.
Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity (nih.gov) Dr. James Lyons-Weiler April 2020
WI-38 is the cell line created from the lung of a twelve-week-old gestation girl, aborted in 1962 in Sweden. [6] WI stands for Wistar Institute; the number represents the fetal sample. Some fetal samples were taken from the same baby, but WI-1 through WI-25 were 19 different babies. [7] WI-38 is currently used in the following FDA-licensed vaccines: Adenovirus, MMR (MMR-II), MMRV (Proquad). No longer available on the CDC’s excipient list, one can find WI-38 listed in the above vaccine package inserts, which can be found at FDA.gov.
(Plotkin testifies about abortion tainted vaccines https://youtu.be/JZnlgNXqVDQ )
RA 27/3 & Rubella Vaccine
In the development of the rubella vaccine in the late 1960s, scientists needed a baby that had rubella to culture the virus. In the FDA’s MMR II vaccine insert in the second paragraph, it lists how the vaccine was prepared “the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts.”[8] Wistar RA 27/3 stands for Rubella Abortus 27th fetus 3rd tissue explant. [9] The virus strains from this baby were then cultured on WI-38 and tested on orphans in PA. [10] From a journal article about the culturing of rubella in fetal cells, “Observations upon the growth of four strains of rubella virus in human diploid cell strains (HDCS) are reported. Sixty-three cell strains, derived from 29 fetuses by means of an organ culture technique, were studied. All HDCS were susceptible to rubella virus and a chronic infection could be established readily in them.”[11]
The rubella vaccine was then tested on pregnant women “to evaluate the fetal hazard of accidental administration of live rubella vaccine.”[12] 35 babies were aborted in this study.
MRC-5 is the cell line created from the lung of a fourteen-week old gestation boy, aborted in 1966 in England. [13] MRC stands for Medical Research Council Cell Strain 5. [14] At least one abortion was done to develop this line. MRC-5 is currently used in the following FDA-licensed vaccines as listed in the CDC Excipient Table[15] and individual vaccine package inserts found on FDA.gov: DTap-IPV (Quadracel), DTap-IPV/HiB (Pentacel), Hep A (Havrix), Hep A/Hep B (Twinrix), MMRV (Proquad), Rabies (Imovax), Varicella (Varivax), Shingles (Zostavax).
An aborted baby boy was also used as spare parts in the production of vaccines. His designation is MRC-5 – let’s call him Michael. Michael’s 27- year old mother as ‘given an abortion’ for psychological reasons…
You can’t be pro-life and pro-vaccine Julie True. https://healthfreedomidaho.com/prolife/
Did that mother suffering from mental health issues have a choice? Certainly – the baby didn’t.
Polio Vaccine
Albert Sabin references two abortions when he cultivated the polio virus on embryonic tissues in 1936 “A new approach was made by the use of 3- to 4-months-old human embryos, obtained aseptically by Cesarean section. (The authors are indebted to Dr. Lance Monroe, of Bellevue Hospital, for the 2 human embryos used in this investigation.)”[1] Joan Thicke reports five abortions used in his cultivation of polio virus in embryonic tissues: “Virus multiplied successively therefore in cells derived from five different human embryos.”[2] In 1954, Dr. John Franklin Enders, Dr. Thomas Huckle Weller, and Dr. Frederick Chapman Robbins won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their discovery that polio virus could be cultured in various tissues, including human embryonic tissue. [3] Their research indicates that there must have been a minimum of two abortions as human embryonic tissue “was obtained under sterile precautions at the time of abdominal hysterotomy for therapeutic indications. Embryos of between 12 and 18 weeks gestation have been utilized.”[4]
In 1975, IMR-90 was created “as a replacement for the cell line known as WI-38. The IMR-90 cell line, like WI-38, was derived from lung tissue of a human female embryo following a “therapeutic abortion”. In addition to its use for vaccine production and as a reference cell line for functional studies, it has been used in a variety of other studies, including senescence, cellular transport, and DNA repair.” [23]
In 1985, PER.C6 was aborted in the Netherlands. The retina was harvested from an 18-week old gestation baby, and the fetal cell line was created. [24] PER.C6 is used in the following vaccines that have not yet been licensed by the FDA: HIV, RSV, Ebola, Zika, MERS[25], COVID-19.[26]
In 2015, out of nine fetuses, the Walvax-2 cell line was created from a three-month girl fetus aborted in China. “We also assessed the susceptibility of these cells to rabies, hepatitis A, and Varicella viruses. Analysis of virus titers showed the Walvax-2 cells to be equal or superior to MRC-5 cells for cultivating these viruses.”[27]
To summarize, at least 181 murdered babies have been used in the research and development of vaccines: a minimum of nine in the development of the polio vaccine, 76 in general R&D, 19 in the development of WI-38, 64 in the development of RA 27/3, one in the development of MRC-5, one in the development of HEK-293, one in the development of IMR-90, one in the development of PER.C6, nine in the development of Walvax-2.
Religious Leaders/Organizations endorse abortion tainted vaccines;
US Catholic Bishops endorse Abortion Tainted Vaccines. “neither vaccine [Pfizer nor Moderna’s] is completely free from any connection to morally compromised cell lines.” https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/us-bishops-endorse-abortion-tainted-covid-vaccine-an-act-of-love-of-our-neighbor Moderna COVID-19 vaccine uses the aborted fetal cell line HEK-293 extensively in numerous patents in the fundamental design of mRNA technology. (as documented here )
[1] Albert B Sabin, Peter K. Olitsky, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus in vitro in human embryonic tissue. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1936, 34:357-359 <https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/sabinpolio1936.pdf>
[2] Joan C. Thicke, Darline Duncan, William Wood, A. E. Franklin and A. J. Rhodes; Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus in Tissue Culture; Growth of the Lansing Strain in Human Embryonic Tissue, Canadian Journal of Medical Science, Vol. 30, pg 231-245 <https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/PolioThickeCanada.pdf>
[3] https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1954/summary/
[4] Thomas H. Weller, John F. Enders, Studies on the Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Viruses in Tissue Culture: I. The Propagation of Poliomyelitis Viruses in Suspended Cell Cultures of Various Human Tissue; Journal of Immunology 1952;69;645-671 <https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/poliovax1952.pdf>
[5] https://www.docdroid.net/8zJh4QQ/1-11-18-matheson-plotkin.pdf#page=341 / video https://youtu.be/6D5tz-q_6o8
[6] https://www.coriell.org/0/Sections/Search/Sample_Detail.aspx?Ref=AG06814-N&Product=CC
[7] L. Hayflick and P.S.Moorhead, The Serial Cultivation of Human Diploid Cell Strains, Experimental Cell Research, 1961, 25, pg 591 <https://cogforlife.org/Hayflick1961ExpCell.pdf>
[8] https://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/UCM123789.pdf
[9] Plotkin et al, Attenuation of RA 2713 Rubella Virus in WI-38 Human Diploid Cell, American Journal of Diseases of Children, Vol. 118, pp 178-179, August 1969 <https://cogforlife.org/AmJDisChildRA273inWI-38.pdf>
[10] Plotkin et al, Studies of Immunization with living rubella virus; Trials in Children With a Strain Cultured From an Aborted Fetus, American Journal Diseases in Children, Vol 110, pg 381-389, 1965 <https://cogforlife.org/AmJDisChildPlotkinRubellaVirus.pdf>
[11] Hoskins, J.M., Plotkin, S.A. Behaviour of rubella virus in human diploid cell strains I. Growth of virus. Archiv f Virusforschung 21, 283–295 (1967) <https://cogforlife.org/PlotkinNumberOfAbortions.pdf>
[13] https://www.coriell.org/0/Sections/Search/Sample_Detail.aspx?Ref=AG05965-C
[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRC-5
[15] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf
[18] https://www.biovendor.com/sars-cov-2-2019-ncov-spike-glycoprotein-s1-hek293-recombinant-2
[19] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/oxford-university-coronavirus-vaccine/
[21] https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/ebiom/PIIS2352-3964(20)30118-3.pdf
[23] Beiswanger, A Brief History of IMR-90, Cell Collections 03/04:5-6 <https://www.coriell.org/0/PDF/IPBIR/CCRNews.pdf_4.pdf>
[27] Ma B, He LF, Zhang YL, et al. Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, Walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015;11(4):998‐1009. doi:10.1080/21645515.2015.1009811 <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4526020/>
More Resource websites:
- https://cogforlife.org/vaccine-overview/
- http://nodeception.org/join-us/
- http://vaxtruth.org/2017/06/pro-life-you-cant-be-pro-vaccine/
- https://myinformedchoice.wordpress.com/
- https://www.soundchoice.org/wp-content/uploads/vaccinecard.pdf
- Presentation on the Abortion Tainted Vaccines from 2017 https://youtu.be/dlqFQLLOTEU