Vaccine Preventable Diseases Summarized

Vaccine Preventable Diseases Summarized

Our bodies are amazing. Even getting an illness is part of our bodies journey to transformation and total health. Dr. Stephanie Seneff (Senior Research Scientist MIT) made this fairly new discovery in regard to the flu virus.

She says we live in a symbiotic relationship with all the other species, even the pathogens. The Flu virus goes into the muscles cells and reprograms them to hand over their sulfate. The flu virus delivers the sulfate to your blood. The sulfate cleans your blood by killing off the weak cells allowing growth for new cells. In effect, the flu virus is rescuing your blood from a future meltdown (more serious illnesses, perhaps cancer).

The potential meltdown was there before getting the flu. It’s much like an overcrowded forest that catches fire to thin and clear out the debris and weak trees. It’s a natural process. Depending on what we eat, if we exercise, and if we take supplements to fortify our forest (blood) keeping only the strongest trees (cells) to begin with. Getting sick with the flu isn’t bad, it’s actually good for your body. You are cleaning house.

Injecting thimerosol (ethylmercury), formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, polysorbate 80, Fenton medium (containing bovine extract), modified Latham medium (derived from bovine casein), modified Stainer-Scholte liquid medium, aluminum phosphate, 2- phenoxyethanol, Stainer-Scholte medium, modified Mueller’s growth medium, modified Mueller-Miller casamino medium (without beef heart infusion), dimethyl-1-beta-cyclodextrin, aluminum hydroxide, vero (monkey kidney) cells, calf serum, lactalbumin hydrolysate, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, and more, is not cleaning house. Quite the opposite.

What happens with the ‘vaccine preventable’ illnesses?

Chicken Pox = itchy rash; 5-7 days;

Diptheria = low fever, sore throat; many infections are asymptomatic or mild; treat with antitoxin and antibiotics

Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib) = flu symptoms, stiff neck; treat with antibiotics for 10 days

Hepatitis A = transmitted orally through feces; children usually have no symptoms; flu symptoms, jaundice

Hepatitis B = transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal fluids; flu symptoms, jaundice; most people do not show symptoms; acute Hep B

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) = transmitted sexually; usually resolves itself with no symptoms; takes years to develop into cancer; regular pap screens prevent cancer; vaccine discontinued in Japan due to adverse reactions

– a.k.a. “the flu”; high fever, cold symptoms, vomiting; lasts 7-10 days; resolves itself; vaccine contains mercury (thimerosal)

Measles = fever, cold symptoms, rash; 7-10 days

Meningitis = flu symptoms, stiff neck; usually caused by bacteria or virus; viral usually causes no symptoms and resolves itself; bacterial is spread through saliva (kissing, coughing); most people who ‘carry’ the bacteria never become sick; bacterial is treated with antibiotics

Mumps = fever, swelling of salivary glands; many people show no symptoms; resolves itself within a few weeks

Pertussis = a.k.a. “whooping cough”; Besides a cough that sounds like “whoop,” symptoms include a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing.

Pneumococcus = flu symptoms, stiff neck; treat with antibiotics

Poliomyelitis = 72% of infections cause no symptoms; 25% flu-like symptoms that last 2-5 days; 0.5% leads to more severe symptoms such as paralytic polio; only people with the paralytic infection are considered to have the disease

Rotavirus = vomiting, diarrhea; children, even those that are vaccinated, may develop rotavirus disease more than once.

Rubella = a.k.a. “three day measles”; flu symptoms; 1-3 days; 25 to 50% of people infected with rubella will not experience any symptoms

Tetanus = sudden, painful contractions of muscle groups; caused by Clostridium tetani transmitted through broken skin; the bacteria can NOT survive in an oxygenated environment. prevention is to allow wound to bleed freely because the bacteria needs oxygen to germinate; treatment is tetanus immunoglobulin injection and hospitalization

Vaccine Risks = ALL product inserts list numerous potential reactions including impaired immune system; autoimmune disorders; neurological damage, physical damage, and/or death.

Vaccines that shed (are contagious): Measles, Mumps, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Oral Polio, Rubella, Rotavirus, Influenza (Flumist). Meaning they can infect the host and/or others around them for up to 6 weeks after injection. There are many studies showing that shedding has and can occur.

References: (main source) (Flu vaccine ingredient; adverse reactions)

Protocol for certain illnesses:

Pertussis – High doses of vitamin C…/…/vitamin-c-for-whooping…/

Meningitis – High doses of Vitamin C (IV), Genistein, Essential fatty acids, Perilla leaf extract, Rosmarinic acid, & Superoxide dismutase.…/infections/meningitis/page-06

Mumps – High doses of Vitamin C…/high-dose-intravenous-vitamin-…/

Measles & Rubella – High doses of Vitamin C & Vitamin A…/

Chicken Pox -High doses of Vitamin C, garlic, echinacea, and astragalus (avoid Ibuprofen as it can cause a serious secondary infection).…/body-m…/hair-skin-nails/chickenpox/

Shingles – High doses of Vitamin C (IV)

Hepatitis B – Glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, Selenium, Zinc, vitamin E, B Vitamins and vitamin C…/infectio…/hepatitis-b/page-08

Pneumonia – High doses of Vitamin C……

Polio – High doses of Vitamin C

Small pox & Anthrax – High doses of Vitamin C (IV)

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